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为了争取高科技优势,美国人甚至制定了详细的产业政策。美国在愤怒的指责他国通过国家干预、补贴、立项等方式促进产业升级和高科技发展的时候。恐怕是忘记了, 早在2009年4月,奥巴马就表示,美国经济要做“岩上之屋”,美国要推出一系列的产业政策,令制造业回流美国和促进新能源振兴。

In his speech he wantonly criticized China‘s social system, embittered by our country’s pursuit of national rejuvenation。 In fact, the Chinese people have the best say in whether our system is good or not。 Our practice in the past years has spoken volume。 We just celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China。 The international community all spoke highly of the tremendous progress China made in the past seven decades and its important contributions to world peace and development。 Altogether leaders of 178 countries and heads of 36 international and regional organizations sent congratulations through various means。 History and practice have shown that the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a right path consistent with China‘s national conditions and needs and is hence endorsed and supported by the Chinese people。 Polls by multiple foreign institutions show that China enjoys the highest domestic support rate regarding its social system and development path among all the countries surveyed。 Since it is a right and successful path, why should we change course? Since it enjoys the people’s support, why should we give it up?


不过,据台湾“中央社”引述执政党国会领袖尼汉(Ahmed Nihan)的推特称,“无论输赢,马尔代夫进步党都有勇气接受马尔代夫人民所做出的决定。”尼汉还在推特贴出了目前开票结果,反驳了此前外界质疑执政党操纵选举的声音,“他们说亚明政府将联合选举委员会操纵2018年总统大选?我很骄傲自己能成为支持这个民主政府的国会中的一员,也为选举委员会这样的独立组织所发挥的重要作用感到骄傲。”
